Saturday, July 28, 2018

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Alright so this might be a bit overly dramatic but you get the point right!

In reality, there is no such thing as a “perfect” plan. There are always some threats lurking around the corner, waiting to wreak havoc if given the chance. This is why well thought-out contingency planning is such a critically important element in event planning. At Occasion Solutions you can count on us to do just that!

Here is our contingency planning checklist:

1. Technological glitches: If your event includes presentations or entertainment shows—anything heavily tech-reliant— me make sure to perform a full tech run-through before the event starts and to have at least one tech-savvy person on site.

2. Keynote Speaker: As I discussed in my post on Keynote Speakers and First Time Presenters, due to unforeseen circumstances your speaker can be a no-show. We arrange to have at least one backup speaker that we can call in on a moment’s notice if the need arises.

3. Establish clear responsibilities: There is a clear division of labor and responsibilities mapped out for each person on the team. Everyone understands their role and what is expected of them in case of emergencies. We also have a team member on standby in case someone calls in sick.

4. Inclement weather: This particularly affects outdoor events. We ensure there is adequate shelter for all in the event of a sudden downpour and have plans to relocate activities to sheltered areas or to alter the event program to salvage the day if possible.

5. Breakages and Accidents: We keep spares and back-up equipment and have a “troubleshooter” on the team to detect any problems as early as possible. Based on the type of event we organise first aid and/or other qualified medical personnel to be in attendance throughout the event.

We check and double check to ensure that everything is in place for your event to run smoothly. But rest assured if a problem does occur we will be able to react quickly and appropriately because we know how to be prepared for the unexpected!

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